How do we measure the refresh rate of a smartphone?

higher refresh rates mean smoother animations and fewer delays when using your device
How do we measure the refresh rate of a smartphone?

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In this article, we’re going to look at how you can measure the refresh rate of a smartphone. We all know that higher refresh rates mean smoother animations and fewer delays when using your device, but how can we tell which smartphone has the best refresh rate? In this article, we'll explain what a smartphone's refresh rate is and how it works so that you can decide for yourself whether you need a higher one.
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What is the smartphone’s refresh rate?

A display's refresh rate is a measure of how often it draws a new picture per second.

A display’s refresh rate is a measure of how often it draws a new picture per second. This is measured in Hertz, or Hz. The higher the Hz, the more times your screen will redraw its contents every second. A higher refresh rate means that animations and videos look smoother, but it also has a direct impact on battery life since it requires more processing power to achieve.

As we’ve mentioned before, there are lots of numbers to pay attention to when choosing a phone: pixel density (PPI), pixel pitch and screen size are all important factors in determining how sharp text appears on your phone’s screen—and they’re all related! But what’s most important? That depends on what you want from your smartphone experience as well as how much money you’re willing to spend on it.

The Technology behind the Refresh Rate

The refresh rate is a measure of how often a display screen updates the image it displays. The number of times per second that an image appears on your phone’s screen is what determines its refresh rate. This number is expressed in hertz (Hz), which means “cycles per second.”

What is Hz?

If a device has a display that refreshes 60 times per second, it means that the liquid crystals are rapidly changing to show new images in the same space.

The Hz (Hertz) unit of frequency measures how many times something happens in a second. The higher this number, the faster your phone’s refresh speed will be.

In electronics and physics, Hz refers to alternating current (AC). AC is used to power most household appliances and devices like TVs, computers and telephones.

Why are Higher Refresh Rates better?

The refresh rate of a device is the number of times per second that information on its display is updated. The higher the refresh rate, the smoother animations will appear, which can reduce stuttering and give you a more fluid experience. It also improves gaming, because it reduces input lag—the time between when you press a button and the action actually happens on-screen.

Higher refresh rates are also better for battery life because they help reduce battery drain caused by motion blur and other processes related to rendering things like animation or video playback smoothly at 60 fps. The same goes with eye strain, as higher refresh rates mean less eyestrain over time (you don’t need me to tell you how bad staring at your phone screen all day can be).

Which Smartphones have Higher Refresh Rates?

If you’re looking for a smartphone with the highest refresh rate, your best bet is to buy the OnePlus 7 Pro. It has a 90Hz screen that can display twice as many frames per second (FPS) as most other smartphones, which results in smoother scrolling and more responsive touch interactions.

The next two best smartphones with high refresh rates are the Samsung Galaxy S10 and its successor, the Samsung Galaxy Note 10. The former has an 80Hz display while the latter offers 90Hz visuals on its curved panel—a significant improvement from last year’s model!

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Is there any app which tell you the refresh rate of android phone?

There are a few apps available online that can measure the refresh rate of your smartphone. Display Refresh Rate Changer, Smartphone Refresh Rate Monitor, and are some examples of such apps.

These apps will show you the refresh rate of your device when it’s connected to your computer with USB debugging enabled and ADB is allowed from any source (Settings > Security & Location > Uncheck “Unblock Unknown Sources”).

What is the best way to find out my smartphone’s screen refresh rate?

To find out the refresh rate of your smartphone, use apps like Display Refresh Rate Changer or Smartphone Refresh Rate Monitor. You can also use FAST-ai to identify the refresh rate of a smartphone. Lastly, TestUFO is another method that you can use to measure a smartphone’s refresh rate.

Ways to measure the refresh rate of a smartphone

There are several ways to measure your smartphone’s refresh rate. The first is to use apps like Display Refresh Rate Changer or Smartphone Refresh Rate Monitor. These apps will help you change the refresh rate of your display and show you how it affects performance.

The refresh rate of a device is the number of times per second that information on its display is updated.

The second way is to use, which is an AI-powered tool that helps identify the refresh rate of any television or computer monitor from just a picture of its screen. If you don’t have access to this app on your phone, however, there are still other options available for FPS measurement: TestUFO and RetinaFPS should do the trick nicely!

Use, to identify the refresh rate of a smartphone.

You can use, a free browser plugin that works on all major browsers and any device with a web browser, to identify the refresh rate of your smartphone. The plugin is available for download from the website:

To use it, simply open up the site in your browser and run your finger along the right side of the screen at different speeds until you get an accurate reading of your refresh rate!

Use TestUFO to measure a smartphone’s refresh rate.

To measure a smartphone’s refresh rate, you’ll need to download and install the TestUFO app on your phone. It’s available in the Google Play Store and should only take a few minutes to set up and use.

Once you have TestUFO installed, open it up and navigate to the “Refresh Rate” section of its menu bar at the bottom of your screen. The app will then display a button that says “Begin Test.” Click it! Then sit back while TestUFO runs five tests to determine how fast your smartphone’s screen can refresh an image.

Once these tests are complete (it won’t take long), scroll down past all of them until you see some results at the bottom of your screen — these are for each test that was run during this session. See which one has “100%” next to it? That means there were no dropped frames or delays between images being displayed onscreen! You’ll notice that all five tests show 100%. This is because they were all run at 60Hz (which corresponds with our standard definition).

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You can use apps like Display Refresh Rate Changer and Smartphone Refresh Rate Monitor to measure the refresh rate of a smartphone.

Final thoughts

We hope that this article has helped you understand the refresh rate of a smartphone and how to measure it. The most important thing to take away is that it’s something we should all be aware of when buying our next phone.

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