How can I measure my height with my phone?

How to measure my height with my phone
How can I measure my height with my phone?

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Have you ever wanted to measure your height, but didn't have a ruler handy? Well, there are several ways that you can use your phone to measure your height. In this article, I'll walk you through the steps of measuring your height with an iPhone and an Android phone.
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Can I measure my height with my phone?

You can measure your height with your phone!

You can measure your height with your phone!

  • With an iPhone. There are a few apps that allow you to take a photo of yourself, and they will then estimate how tall you are based on the proportions of your body. One example is “iMeasure”.
  • With an Android phone. This seems to be more popular among Android users than iPhone users, but there are still plenty of options out there for both platforms. Popular ones include “MyHeight”, “Body Measurements”, and “Body Tape Measure”. The advantage here is that these apps don’t require any fancy hardware; all it takes is a device with a camera that can take photos or videos, which most smartphones have built-in anyway!
  • With a camera app on your desktop computer (PC or Mac). You may not have thought about using this method before—I certainly hadn’t until recently—but there’s no reason why not; it works just as well as anything else when done correctly! My favorite app for this purpose is called “Photofy” and I highly recommend getting it if you want an easy way to measure yourself at home without having to buy any special equipment beyond what came with your computer already (in fact Photofy even comes preinstalled on some computers now).

How to Measure Your Height With an iPhone

  • Take a picture of yourself in front of a wall with your iPhone
  • Use the camera app to measure your height
  • Use the ruler tool in the app to measure your height
  • Save the image and share it with others

iphone apps for measuring height

You can measure your height using an app on your iphone. There are many apps available, but you need to find one that works well and is accurate. When choosing a height measuring app, look for these features:

  • Accurate measurements based on the size of your phone
  • An image of yourself with your phone at eye level in order to take a measurement from there (some apps don’t require this).

We suggest you to use Apple’s Measure App and AirMeasure App to measure your height with your iphone.

How can I measure my height with an Android phone?

You can use a picture that you have taken to measure your height. To do this:

  • Take a photo of yourself with your phone by using its camera’s zoom function. Remember to hold the camera at eye-level when taking the picture to get an accurate measurement from top of head to floor.
  • Use an online calculator (like this one) and enter in the distance between where your head is and where the floor is, as shown in your photo; then click “Calculate” or slide out another menu option if there are multiple ways for you to calculate it based on other factors like gender, weight, etc.), which will result in an accurate number representing how tall you actually are!

Use your camera’s screen to measure your height.

  • Take a picture of yourself with your phone.
  • Use the camera’s screen to measure your height.

You can also use a ruler in the picture to measure your height.

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Use a picture that you have taken to measure your height

  • Take a picture of yourself standing against a wall or other flat surface. The camera should be level and the subject should be facing straight ahead (not sideways).
  • Use a ruler to measure your height in pixels on the image. You can do this by opening the image in Microsoft Paint, selecting all (Ctrl+A), then using “Measure” option to get pixel measurements at different locations on your face/body. Alternatively, you could use an online tool such as [this one]( or [this one]( which will allow for more precise measurement of specific areas within an image without having to manually select them first like above examples would require for accurate results

Final thoughts

We hope this article helped you learn how to measure your height with your phone. In addition, We also discussed some of the best apps and websites that can help you do so. Thanks for reading!

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