How to measure your feet to buy shoes online

Kinds of shoes
How to measure your feet to buy shoes online

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Table of Contents

How should your shoes fit?

● Shoes should be comfortable. Your feet should be able to move freely, and your toes should be able to wiggle without feeling constricted or pinched by the shoe. Shoes mustn’t be too tight or too loose. If you’re wearing a pair of shoes that are too big, your foot can slide out of the shoe when you take a step, which is uncomfortable and dangerous: You could trip on your shoe! And if the shoes are too small, they may pinch at the toe box or cause blisters in other areas of the foot. For this reason, it’s always best to buy footwear in person rather than online—you’ll know exactly how your foot fits inside each style before making a purchase decision.

Put on thick socks

It’s important to remember that the thickness of your socks will affect your measurement. If you are wearing thin socks, this could give you an incorrect size. For example, if you wear a size eight and then put on a pair of thick wool socks, it would be possible for your actual foot length to be longer than expected and for it to fit comfortably in a larger size like an 8 1/2 or 9.

If you have never bought shoes online before and want to start immediately, we recommend going with one brand in particular: Schuh! They have an excellent selection of women’s shoes available online (as well as men’s), they often have promotions where free shipping applies (this usually excludes sale items), and they provide free returns if necessary. They offer easy exchanges if needed within 30 days of purchase!

Trace your foot on a piece of paper

Before you buy shoes online, you need to know your size. The best way to do this is by measuring your feet. You will need a pen or pencil and a piece of paper.

The first step is to use a ruler to measure the length of your foot from the heel to toe (make sure the ruler is parallel to the floor). Write down this number on the paper so that it’s visible when you trace over it later with your pen or pencil; this number will be used throughout this process and in future shoe-shopping trips!

Next, remove all your shoes and socks and stand up straight with one leg firmly on an empty chair or stool for balance if necessary (be careful not to fall!). Then place one foot squarely against the wall at its end closest to where you’re standing so that it touches both sides evenly across its width without any gaps between them—don’t worry about how high off-ground floor level these two surfaces are relative to each other! Then lift onto tip toes while keeping both heels firmly planted against those two surfaces until they reach their highest point before coming back down again slowly until there’s no tension left behind them anymore…

Measure your heel-to-toe length

The next step is to measure your foot length. To do this, you need to measure from the back of your heel (where it connects with your shoe) to the tip of your longest toe. This measurement is called “heel-to-toe” or “H-T” for short. To measure, place a ruler flat against the inside edge of one shoe and then extend it down over the other shoe until it reaches the end of its outer edge.

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Once you have this measurement in inches or centimeters (the metric system is much easier), divide by two: that result is how long each foot should be for it to fit into a pair of shoes comfortably without being too tight or too loose while walking around all day long!

Measure the width of your foot

If you’re buying shoes online, measuring your feet is the best way to determine your shoe size. There are a few different ways of doing this:

● You can use a piece of paper to measure your foot width. Place the paper on the floor and stand on it with both feet together. Then, trace each foot with a pen or pencil and measure the length between them (this will be easy if you’re using an actual ruler).

● Or, if you have access to a tape measure, place it under your feet with one end at the heel and then pull it up around both sides until it reaches just above where your toes begin. This will give you an accurate measurement of how wide they are at their widest point (and therefore how big they’ll be when wearing shoes)

● Finally, some people prefer stringing together dental floss or thread and wrapping it around their feet until they reach their forefoot as closely as possible (note: this method may not work well for larger feet).

Mark the measurements on the paper

● Mark the measurements on the paper

● Use a pen or pencil to mark the length and width of both feet. Be sure to get each foot’s heel, ball, and toes. If you are unsure how to measure your feet, see our guide here: [Measure Your Feet](

Find the right size in centimeters by checking the chart.

As you can see, finding your size in centimeters is pretty simple. All you have to do is follow the chart below, and you should be set!

● Find your size in centimeters by checking the chart. You’ll first want to find out what your shoe size is in centimeters, which means going down each row until you find yours (or somewhere close). For example: if I’m 40-1/2 (American), my equivalent size would be 24.5 (European) or 7-1/2 UK. That’s it! The last thing left for me would be figuring out what shoe brands use this sizing system so I can buy shoes online without any problems whatsoever.

Find the right size in inches by checking the chart.

Once you’ve found your size in inches, check the chart to find your corresponding size in centimeters.

If you’re still unsure what, shoe size fits you best, visit a physical shoe store with an extensive selection. The employees there should be able to help.

Should I size up if I wear insoles?

If you wear insoles, don’t size up. If you love your current pair of shoes and they fit well, keep buying that size when purchasing new ones. If you don’t know if a shoe will work for you without insoles, it’s better to size up than down as long as the shoe fits right on the footbed—the area between the insole and outsole where most of your weight is focused during walking or running.

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If your feet are wide, don’t size down! If they’re narrow but have high arches (called overpronation), then do. And finally: Don’t size up if you have a high instep unless you want an extra room at the front of your foot or heel; this isn’t likely an issue for most people but may be worth knowing about nonetheless!

Is there a foot measurement app?

Yes, there is an app for that. It’s called Footprint, and it measures your feet but also many other parts of your body.

The excellent news about Footprint is you can use it for free on your phone or tablet. The bad news? It doesn’t support every device because not all phones and tablets have access to the same features. If you have an iPhone 6S or newer model, you should be able to download the app from Apple’s App Store; otherwise, check with your device manufacturer (Samsung, Google) for more information on compatibility.

Once you download Footprint and open it up, place one foot at a time into each colored square until they are both covered by yellow lines and read out loud what size shoes they correspond to in US sizes:

● 5: Small (5-6)

● 6: Medium (6-7)

● 7: Large (8+)

Final thoughts

If you have any questions about how to measure your feet, please leave a comment below. Also, if you have any tips or tricks we didn’t mention in this post, please share them!

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